Re-Gathering but with some Safeguards

***Fryerns Church Announcement***:

Fryerns Baptist Re-Opens from Fryerns Baptist on Vimeo.

30th July 2020 – In line with the recent church risk assessment to reduce Covid-19 transmission during congregation worship as we re-gather beginning on Sun 02 August, we have made sure there are some safeguards which will be reviewed regularly.

Here are some of the safeguards to reduce infection contained in our risk assessment:

  • Please do not come to church if you have unexplained fever or symptoms of suspected covid-19.
  • Those over 70 years and those medically vulnerable are advised to heed health guidance in line with government guidance not to attend face to face mass gatherings (for the time being as we continue assessing the risks).

But for those who will attend face to face Sunday worship:

  • Please let us know you intend to attend so that an appropriate seat or seats are reserved for you or family. Email: [email protected]
  • Ensure you arrive early (from 10.30 am) and should follow the one-way traffic system in place. (All must be seated by 10.50am atleast)
  • You will be expected to wear a facial covering/mask and use available hand sanitisers at entrance/exit sites.
  • You will have to maintain social distancing at church (No handshakes, hugs or kisses). The seats have been specially spaced and arranged according to household groups or singles.
  • To enable contact tracing and in line with government advice, a record of all attendees will be kept for 21 days.
  • Donations and offerings should be done thru treasurer (online or bank transfer) if possible. (A collection box will be at the entrance for those who find it difficult to use above services)
  • No Lord’s table or communal eating/drinking (subject to monthly review)
  • There will be no face to face Sunday school – all parents/guardians will be expected to sit with their children until the end of the service.
  • Once in the church building please remain seated till advised to exit row by row by the ushers thru special designated exits.

ZOOM video conferencing will continue being used to stream Sunday worship services concurrently. (Wednesday bible study and Youth group meetings will remain on Zoom)

Let us look after one another and be our brother’s keeper so that we are safe during this rather unpredictable transitional period.

(Keep checking the church website for updates and as situation changes further risk assessments will be made and updates posted)

The full church risk assessment document is available upon request from church deacons and Pastor. Email: [email protected]