Fryerns Baptist Church- is located in Basildon, Essex in the South Eastern part of England. Baptist defines our Theological and historical distinctive. We are Baptists by conviction, a people who stand in a great line of people who have gone before us.
This godly line can be traced back to the English Reformation of the Sixteenth Century. As with our forefathers, we believe in the full Inspiration and Authority of Scripture, Salvation by grace alone, the Baptism of believers by immersion, the Priesthood of believers, the Eternal Security of the redeemed, and more. These God-exalting truths mark our identity.
We are committed to biblical and expository preaching, evangelism of the lost, equipping the saints, and worshipping God in spirit and truth. We are a local church, a body of people who profess to have a common faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. We gather as a church to be equipped for the work of the ministry by the preaching and teaching of the Word of God.
We believe a local church is a fellowship of born again followers of Jesus Christ, whose profession of faith shows itself in Holy living and good works.
We believe a local church may be recognised where the word of God is faithfully preached; the two ordinances established by Christ’s authority, namely Baptism and the Lord’s Supper, are correctly administered. The authority of the Lord Jesus Christ is seen in that the Church is governed by Biblical principles.
We trust you’ll discover God’s grace among us. Our prayer is that we’ll live up to His name.
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